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Noble & Company's Guide to Local Tailgate Markets (2022)

Potted herbs for sale at Hendersonville Farmers Market

The Markets are Gearing up!

This area that we call home, and that others flock to by the hoards is a bounty of all sorts of items ala Marketopia. Ok, I made that word up. But it fits, right?! From fibers to dairy, greens to grains, meats to flowers, our local tailgates have everything you could dream up and more. Bonus, it’s fresh and local! Like really local.  We are so fortunate to call this area home and reap the abundance of its natural resources. Our accessibility to fresh food and artisan creations from farms and crafters are beyond plentiful. As the local tailgates get in their grooves, we celebrate Spring and are ready to dive into the luscious loot our markets display.


Shop local treasures and meet the people who grow your food, and who grow the food you have come to love from your local eateries. Meet the crafter of soaps, pastas, jewelry, fermented products, breads, and more. Meet the stewards of this amazing land we call home. But make sure to clear out room in your trunk to bring it all home, because there is no way you are leaving empty handed! Just some insider advice-invest in a trailer to get all your goodies to your front door!

Hendersonville Tailgate Crowd       Homemade Pasta Noodles at the market       Music at the market

There are more than 100 farmers markets and tailgates through this region. Take a look at our list of the best markets in the communities surrounding Asheville. Or go to ASAP’s online Local Food Guide.


image of shoppers from ASAP website

Image taken from ASAP's website


A Market for Every Day of the Week














You can check out the seasonal growing chart below to know what to expect at the market in what season. Better yet, become a regular and get the inside scoop from your farmers! When you're ready to visit farms in person, check out the seasonal ASAP Farm Tour-Happening in September of 2021. Or, all year long, The Heritage Farm Trail in the NW Region of Buncombe County is about a 2 hour driving tour with many stops along the way!

seasonal growing guide

Image taken from ASAP's website

Take a look at this video of the Mills River Tailgate Market put together by N.C. Cooperative Extension - Henderson County Center.