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Home Is Where Memories Are Made

Home is Where Memories Are Made

"Sunday suppers, big tables packed with food...backyard croquette, and snapping beans..."

My husband is a chef. He does amazing things with food. I believe one of the reasons his food is so good stems from his connection to the food; not only the farms it comes from, and its origins, but also his connections to the memories associated with the food. His passion is bringing forward some of the most precious memories buried deep within us when we take a moment to savor a bite of food. Stop for a moment and think of your favorite food-one that has been at the top of your list for a long time. Think about savoring that perfect bite. I’m a Southern girl. For me, it’s Chicken Slick. That’s what my grandma called it. One taste of it floods in the memories-Sunday Suppers, big tables packed with food, her arm draped with floured noodles waiting their turn to be tenderly bathed in a rich, boiling broth. It brings forward memories of silky slick smothering homemade biscuits, of backyard croquette, and snapping beans into a giant bowl in front of Lawrence Welk on the floor console TV.

These memories are so strong, I can smell the Chicken Slick while I write this. This is what my husband does with food.

Home evokes the same sort of feelings inside us. Home is where our memories are made. Home is the smell of a fire in the fireplace, a piece of furniture that holds you when you cry, a screened-in porch for listening to rain with friends, or a quiet spot for morning coffee. Home is that place you put your holiday decorations every year and the wall that spins yarn with the images of family and laughter.

"We are in the business of helping others create life-long memories."

Where do you make your memories? Where do you want to make them? Ours are made right here in these mountains. We carry into them the memories of our past--our grandmothers, the bay of Alabama, the coast of South Carolina, the farms of North Carolina. Our memories of home are rooted within us so deeply, they make up an immense part of who we are.

We aren’t just Brokers and Agents. We aren’t just women and mothers or just friends and neighbors. We are in the business of helping others create life-long memories. Our hearts and souls are invested in bringing our passion to light for our clients. We believe it’s what makes us stand out.

Buying a home isn't just about the walls and the fixtures, Selling a home isn’t just about moving on to a new location. This process, this life that we chose is about memories--creating them, sharing them, passing them on, and reminiscing--It's about taking those moments to savor the perfect bite.

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